Shaolan Li received his B.Eng. degree with highest honor from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2012, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas (UT) at Austin in 2018, all in electrical engineering. Prior joining Georgia Tech as an assistant professor in 2019, he was a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UT Austin from 2018-2019. His research interests are broadly in analog, mixed-signal, and RF integrated circuits. His expertise is in high-performance data converters, ultra-low-power low-cost sensor interface, integrated medical imaging systems, and design automation.
Dr. Li is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award in 2023, the NIH Trailblazer Award in 2023, the IEEE Solid-State Circuit Society Predoctoral Achievement Award in 2018. He also received the HKUST Academic Achievement Medal in 2012 and the UT Austin Cockrell School of Engineering Fellowship in 2017, respectively. He is an Associate Editor of IET Electronics Letters and IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits and serves as TPC member on various of premium IC related conferences.
- Analog, mixed-signal, and RF integrated circuits
- Sensors and bioelectronics
- Analog circuit design automation
- Miniature medical imaging systems
- NSF CAREER Award, 2023
- NIH Trailblazer Award, 2023
- IEEE Solid-State Circuit Society Pre-doctoral Achievement Award, 2018
Xitie Zhang, Evren F. Arkan, Coskun Tekes, M. Sait Kilinc, Tzu-Han Wang, F. Levent Degertekin, Shaolan Li, “A 1.11 mm2 IVUS SoC with ±50°-Range Plane Wave Transmit Beamforming at 40 MHz,” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS), 2024
Tian Xie, Shimeng Yu, Shaolan Li, “A High-Parallelism RRAM-Based Compute-In-Memory Macro with Intrinsic Impedance Boosting and In-ADC Computing,” IEEE Journal of Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits (JXCDC), vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 38-46, June 2023.
Tian Xie*, Tzu-han Wang*, Zhe Liu, Shaolan Li, “An 84dB-SNDR Low-OSR 4th-Order Noise-Shaping SAR with an FIA-Assisted EF-CRFF Structure and Noise-Mitigated Push-Pull Buffer-in-Loop Technique,”, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (ISSCC invited submission), vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 3804-3815, Dec. 2022
Tzu-Han Wang, Ruowei Wu, Vasu Gupta, Xiyuan Tang, Shaolan Li, “A 13.8-ENOB Fully Dynamic Third-Order Noise-Shaping SAR ADC in a Single-Amplifier EF-CIFF Structure with Hardware-Reusing kT/C Noise Cancellation,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 3668-3680, Dec. 2021