Lukas Graber received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from ETH Zurich in 2002 and 2009 respectively. He conducted the experimental part of his M.S. research project on transient recovery voltage in the high voltage laboratories of Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon. His Ph.D. research focused on SF6 leakage detection in gas insulated switchgear and was awarded with the ETG Innovation Prize. Before he joined Georgia Tech in 2015, he worked several years at the Center for Advanced Power System, Florida State University - initially as a post-doctoral research associate and later as a research faculty member. His focus was on superconducting power cables and fault current limiters, ultra-fast mechanical switchgear, short circuit forces in substations, and grounding aspects of power distribution on future all-electric Navy ships. He authored and coauthored 40+ publications in journals and conference proceedings and holds several patents. Besides fundamental and applied research projects, he is also interested in commercialization aspects of new technologies. He is a guest technical editor for special issues of the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. In his free time, he likes to tinker with audio electronics, play the trumpet, scuba dive in Floridian waters, and paraglide in mountain ranges around the world.
Gas insulated switchgear High-speed vacuum switchgear High temperature superconductivity: Power systems applications Cryogenic dielectrics
ETG Innovation Prize 2010, Electrosuisse Best Paper Award 2009 , 2nd prize, SEV Bulletin Member, Electrosuisse Member, Cryogenics Society of America Senior Member, IEEE