Mr. Mihalik teaches evidence-based entrepreneurship skills and principles, benefiting students launching a business or pursuing careers with technology and innovation driven companies.
Mr. Mihalik has over 30 years of technology and professional experience. He spent three years living and working in Asia. Mr. Mihalik has worked for EG&G Energy Measurements, Milliken & Company, Proctor & Gamble, Siemens Solar, SolarWorld, Shell Solar, SunPower, Suniva, SolarCity/Tesla, and Millennium Mats. He was an adjunct lecturer at the University of North Georgia on Leadership and Management and a high school engineering and technology teacher in EPIC at Mill Creek High School, an experiential, project-based, innovative, and cross-curricular program educating and developing future engineers and entrepreneurs through discovery and “real-world” experiences.
Mr. Mihalik received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Yale University and a M.B.A. in Management Sciences from Golden Gate University.
His hobbies include hiking, biking, lifting, basketball, and baseball.
• Technology entrepreneurship and innovation
• Solar cells and modules
• Crystal growth techniques
• Leadership and management principles
• Green Energy Award from U.S. Department of Energy
• State of Washington’s Governor’s Award on Sustainability
• Bonneville Power Administration Green Energy Award
• Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Award from Governors of Washington and Oregon
• Past member of the Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST)
• Yale football and baseball