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What can we help you with?

Click one of the cards below to be redirected to the resources you are looking for:

Academic Resources

Check all the variety of academic tools, from tutoring to advisement and coaching, institute support and hosts of other services designed to help you excel in your electrical and computer engineering studies.

Financial Resources

Explore a range of financial resources, including scholarships, fellowships, and part-time research opportunities, to support your educational journey and aid in educational financial expenses.

Well-Being Resources

ECE's Student Engagement and Well-Being programs are tailored to empower students on their path to academic, personal, and professional success.

Technical Resources

These resources equip students with the tools and technologies designed to enhance your skills and knowledge.

Career Resources

Prepare for a bright future with our career resources, offering guidance on internships, resume building, and networking to kickstart your electrical and computer engineering career.

Upcoming Events

Don't miss out on exciting upcoming events designed to enrich your student experience – stay connected and be part of the action!