Register by Jan. 22 for the 2021 virtual Three Minute Thesis competition.

Two finalists have been chosen in the College of Engineering dean search.

ECE Professor Angelos Keromytis is part of a high-level expert team that is providing advice and assistance to the European Commission on how to strengthen innovation ecosystems and management, technology transfer, and investment. 

Catie Camron is a proud alumna that graduated in 2018, while her younger sister Carah (ECE, 2022) is on campus following in her footsteps.

Capstone Senior Design students faced an extra challenge this semester- how to show off their projects without the aid of a physical prototype or an in-person demonstration.

ECE Ph.D. student Prasanna Venkat Ravindran has received an IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) Masters Student Fellowship.

Four engineering professors and their students talk about the challenges of online learning during the pandemic and the human touchpoints that make all the difference. ECE Professor Bernard Kippelen and EE student Emily Marshall are among those featured.

Learn how new cyber risks stemming from COVID-19 require building a cybersecurity culture and how to ensure your employees are cyber-ready.

ECE's Yuchen Liu and Doug Blough won the Best Paper Award at the 45th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks.

The road to the 2021 InVenture Prize will be different, but the pandemic won’t stop the 13th edition of Georgia Tech’s signature invention competition from recognizing students' best new ideas.