ECE Associate Professor Muhannad Bakir has been appointed as the ON Semiconductor Junior Professor in Analog Integrated Circuit Design, effective August 15.

Magnus Egerstedt is among five faculty members from the Georgia Institute of Technology teaching the first courses offered by Georgia Tech on Coursera.

ECE Associate Professor Maysam Ghovanloo will take part in the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions as a member of the Forum’s Young Scientists community.

Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering has been named the recipient of the 2011 IEEE Women in Engineering Student Branch Affinity Group of the Year Award.

An ECE project team is among 12 selected for the upcoming Texas Instruments Analog Design Contest Engibous Summit.

ECE Ph.D. student Aida Vera Lopez received an Honorable Mention Award at the 2012 IEEE International Microwave Symposium Student Paper Competition.

ECE Professor John Papapolymerou has been appointed editor-in-chief of IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters.

NBC Learn and NBC Sports, in partnership with the National Science Foundation, explore the engineering and technology helping athletes maximize the performance at the 2012 London Games.

ECE Associate Professor Muhannad Bakir has been selected to participate in the National Academy of Engineering’s 18th annual U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.