During Spring Term 2013, the ECE Undergraduate Affairs Office issued a challenge to students: create inspiring and informative videos that will engage with prospective high school students.

During Spring Term 2013, the ECE Undergraduate Affairs Office issued a challenge to students: create inspiring and informative videos that will engage with prospective high school students.

Submissions were requested in three categories:

  • What is electrical engineering?
  • What is computer engineering?
  • A Student's View

The student body selected their favorite videos in each category and prizes were awarded for the videos with the most votes. A best overall and an honorable mention were also awarded by a judges panel that consisted of Steve McLaughlin, the Steve W. Chaddick School Chair; Steve Chaddick, mentor capitalist and ECE Advisory Board Chair; and Neal Jean, a student with the ECE Ambassadors.

Brenden Duncombe-Smith won in the What is electrical engineering? and A Student's View categories and also won best overall for his A Student's View video. Abhinav Uppal's video titled Electrical Engineering: Interdisciplinary Perspectives received an honorable mention.