A series of town halls over the next week will inform the campus about budgets, academics, and advising.
A series of town halls over the next week will inform the campus about budgets, academics, and advising.
On Thursday, Nov. 12, campus leaders from Administration and Finance units will host a discussion about Georgia Tech’s fiscal year 2021 budget. Panelists will also give insight into the fiscal year 2022 budgeting process. The event begins at 1 p.m. More information about the town hall is available on the campus calendar. To submit questions in advance, email evpaf@gatech.edu.
Next week, on Monday, Nov. 16, faculty and staff members who provide advising and other services to students are invited to a discussion about what to expect during the Spring 2021 semester. Panelists from the Office of the Provost and Student Engagement and Well-being will provide updates and answer questions. The event begins at 11 a.m. — mark your calendar.
Finally, a student town hall will take place Tuesday, Nov. 17, also to answer questions about the Spring 2021 semester. The event is open to both undergraduate and graduate students and will begin at 7 p.m. More information is available on the campus calendar.
To submit questions for the advising and student town halls, email provostsoffice@gatech.edu.
Georgia Tech announced last month that Spring 2021 will take place in a hybrid format, with the intent to safely increase on-campus presence and instruction. Read the October 28 message to the campus community about spring instruction.