Three surveys are being developed to solicit student feedback at the faculty, school, and Institute levels, as course instruction continues in distance format.

Three surveys are being developed to solicit student feedback at the faculty, school, and Institute levels, as course instruction continues in distance format.

The surveys are being administered for the Spring 2020 semester in place of the Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS), as the CIOS is not a valid measure of instructor performance under emergency circumstances. The new mechanisms are designed to gather student feedback in a timely manner to allow for real-time course adjustments and to ask questions more appropriate to the remote experience.

“The transition to online learning has been difficult for the entire Georgia Tech community and is a new experience for students and faculty, all while they are navigating other stressors and unknowns at home,” said Rafael L. Bras, provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs. “It’s very important that we hear from students and use their feedback to make adjustments, improve instruction, and address concerns. There will be a lot to be learned from this unexpected experiment in distance education.”

Immediately available are a brief faculty-level survey, available within Canvas Commons, and a short, customizable school-level feedback form built in Qualtrics. Students are also encouraged to engage directly in conversations with instructors about course changes, including any challenges that might come as a result of those changes.

The Institute also plans to develop a survey to solicit broad feedback at the end of the semester. Administered at the end of April, the survey will provide schools and colleges across the Institute with helpful information about how students engaged during the remote learning experience in order to improve Georgia Tech’s response in the future.

More about the available surveys:

The Center for Teaching and Learning has created instructions and assistance-request forms to provide support to faculty and school administrators, as needed.

Detailed instructions for accessing and using the faculty-level survey within Canvas are available at

For assistance in customizing the Qualtrics webform to a particular school or college, school administrators may complete an assistance-request form at