ECE Senior Research Scientist Benjamin Manning has been chosen to participate in the 2021-2022 Diversity and Inclusion Fellows Program at Georgia Tech.

Benjamin Manning has been chosen to participate in the 2021-2022 Diversity and Inclusion Fellows Program at Georgia Tech.

With support from Institute Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the ADVANCE Program, the Diversity and Inclusion Fellows program brings together faculty, staff, and students who individually and collectively advance their action, research, or teaching objectives while improving inclusivity on campus. The program is a bottom-up initiative, tapping into the creativity and diversity of thought from members of the campus community to crowdsource ideas that create long-term culture change. 

Manning is a senior research scientist in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) who works in the Center for Cyber Operations Enquiry and Unconventional Sensing. He has been with ECE since March 2021.

Manning was selected to participate in the Diversity and Inclusion Fellows Program for his proposal to create a matriculation program between engineering schools and potential prospective students with severe mobility disabilities that would satisfy some of the entrance requirements as part of their rehabilitation or therapy. If any faculty or students are interested in helping with this initiative, please feel free to contact Manning at

The Diversity and Inclusion Fellows Program runs from September 2021 through April 2022. During this time, the Fellows are expected to complete an individual or group action, teaching, or research objective and share it with the campus community. They also participate in three meetings during the year and a final Poster Expo and Celebration event in April 2022.