Georgia Tech and Intel‘s corporate university, the Fab/SortManufacturing College of Engineering, have joined forces to bring GeorgiaTech’s distance learning master’s degree program in electrical and computer engineeringto Intel employees. 

Georgia Tech and Intel‘s corporate university, the Fab/SortManufacturing College of Engineering, have joined forces to bring GeorgiaTech’s distance learning master’s degree program in electrical and computer engineeringto Intel employees.

Georgia Tech’s electrical and computer engineering classesare taught and video-recorded at Georgia Tech’s state-of-the-art distance learningfacilities, giving the Intel students the flexibility to review lectures attheir convenience and as often as they wish.

The elective curriculum for the program includes three IntelCollege of Engineering developed courses taught by Intel faculty, which makesthe curriculum tailored for the company’s needs.

Intel and Georgia Tech’s School of Electrical and ComputerEngineering have a long history of collaboration in research and education. 

“We're excited about this new partnership with Intel, andthe opportunity to grow the already significant number of Georgia Tech alumniat Intel,” said Douglas B. Williams, interim chair of Georgia Tech’s School ofElectrical and Computer Engineering.  “The opportunity to work withFab/Sort Manufacturing employees as Georgia Tech students is expected to leadto greater technical interaction and cross-fertilization.”

After a rigorous review process, select Intel College ofEngineering faculty members were approved by Georgia Tech as adjunct faculty.The College of Engineering faculty brings Intel technical expertise to courseswhile enriching and broadening the academic knowledge students’ gain throughGeorgia Tech’s master’s in electrical and computer engineering program.

“With a global workforce, the distance learning aspect ofthis three-year program is immensely attractive to all Intel employees byproviding the flexibility to take courses while managing their work and lifeneeds,” said Josh Walden, vice president and general manager of Fab/SortManufacturing.  Intel’s COE program currently offers its courses in adistance learning format for the benefit of FSM employees.