Five faculty members in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) received top Georgia Tech awards at the Institute’s annual Faculty/Staff Honors Luncheon, held April 11 at the Georgia Tech Student Center Ballroom.
John Cressler – Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Advisor Award
James Hamblen – Class of 1934 Outstanding Innovative Use of Education Technology Award
Bernard Kippelen – Class of 1934 Outstanding Interdisciplinary Activities Award
A.P. Sakis Meliopoulos – Outstanding Professional Education Award
Christopher Rozell - Sigma Xi Young Faculty Award
Seven ECE students were among the top award winners at the annual Georgia Tech Student Honors Day, held on April 17 at the Georgia Tech Student Center Ballroom.
James Sutehall – Davidson Family Tau Beta Pi Senior Engineering Cup
This is the highest honor that an undergraduate engineering student can earn at Georgia Tech. Based not only on excellent scholarship, but also outstanding accomplishments and contributions, the award recognizes the top Georgia Tech engineering undergraduate who has demonstrated academic excellence, leadership, and service to the field and the Institute, and who has shown potential for continuing growth.
Joseph Guinta, Brian Nemsick – Henry Ford II Scholar Awards
These awards are given to engineering students who have the best academic records at the end of the third year of undergraduate study.
Christopher Wang – Kelley Music Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded each semester through audition to students who demonstrate outstanding musicality, collaboration, and creativity in music performance and/or technical prowess.
In addition, the following ECE-specific awards were recognized by College of Engineering Associate Dean Laurence Jacobs at this event, in addition to the Roger P. Webb Awards Program held on April 23.
James Sutehall – Outstanding Electrical Engineering Senior Award
Jiaqi Xue – Outstanding Computer Engineering Senior Award
Ahmad Beirami, Lu Lu – ECE Graduate Research Assistant Excellence Award
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to making Georgia Tech and ECE better places to be!
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