The Office of the Vice-Provost for International Initiatives (VPII) seeks to seed-fund exploratory initiatives in global engagement. This program is funded through the generous support provided in the establishment of the Steven A. Denning Chair in Global Engagement, currently held by the Vice Provost for International Initiatives. Goal 4 of the GT strategic plan is to “Expand Our Global Footprint and Influence to Ensure That We Are Graduating Good Global Citizens” with specific strategies to a) Expand the World’s Footprint at Georgia Tech; b) Extend and leverage Georgia Tech’s impact around the world; and c) Embrace and support globally engaged students. Implementation is discussed in the Global Positioning Strategy (GPS) available at
The Denning Global Engagement Seed Fund has four goals:
• Support feasibility studies of innovative, transformative research and education ideas in global engagement with significant emphasis on their impact on students;
• Develop new and creative international experiences for students;
• Promote and develop the Institute’s global engagement in new and creative ways;
• Facilitate the development of new and strategic relationships with international partners (e.g. universities, governments, companies, NGOs) in areas that are aligned with Georgia Tech’s strategic plan and lead to a sustainable program in education, economic development, or research, including programs with one or more of the Institute’s Interdisciplinary Research Centers (IRCs).
Single investigators or teams may apply for seed funding in the range of $15,000 for FY1 8. It is expected that 3 projects will be selected. Investigators can be PI on only one proposal. Faculty salary support is not encouraged, but will be considered under exceptional circumstances that are justified. Preference will be given to new initiatives.
A two page request should be submitted with the following information: i) Proposed idea and its potential impact; ii) A specific sustainability plan subsequent to receipt of this funding; iii) Potential significance of the proposed research or educational idea being explored, its relation to current programs and measure of success; iv) Two---page CV of the PI and team members (not included in page count); v) a budget (also not included in page count).
Deadline for requests is March 31, 2017 for an anticipated July 2017 start.
For more information, contact Yves Berthelot:
Proposals should be submitted by email to