Tuesday, January 28, 2020 08:00AM

CRIDC is an annual conference that is designed to create a synergistic interface between graduate students (from all majors and degree types) and research, academic, industrial and government institutions.

We hope CRIDC can equip our graduate students with the tools and insights to survive and thrive in the ever-changing technological, financial and political landscapes inherent to the 21st century market. In addition, we hope this conference will provide them with opportunities to explore varied career paths and directions that they can pursue to make an impact.

While building upon the motif of past conferences, we would also like to add a new component – A Graduate Career Fair. This is intended to address the long standing need for an exclusive career fair that is tailored to the needs of the graduate student body at Georgia Tech.

Overall CRIDC will encompass following events:

Career, Reserch and Innovation Development Conference January 27-28, 2020

January 27

  • Career Panels
  • Employer Info Sessions
  • Poster Competition
  • Additional Networking Opportunities

January 28

  • Graduate Career Fair


Visit the CRIDC Website for complete schedule and information.