Friday, July 21, 2017 12:00PM

The National Center for Atmospheric Research will present an Eclipse Science Showcase on July 21 in Boulder, Colorado. This event will take place from 10 am to 1 pm Mountain Standard Time (12 noon to 3 pm Eastern Standard Time) and will be webcast at

On August 21, 2017, the shadow of a total solar eclipse (TSE) will roar across the continental United States, covering 13 states in little over 95 minutes. This event is the first of its kind in nearly 100 years and, as such, will provide an unprecedented natural pathway to raise public awareness of Sun-Earth System science. Indeed, it is anticipated that over 100 million Americans and international visitors will travel to the path of totality for the event. 

ECE Assistant Professor Morris B. Cohen is among the many members of the solar-terrestrial physics community that are supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration (NASA) and that will be participating in scientific and outreach activities, as the TSE presents a dual-fold opportunity to explore the complexity of the Sun's enigmatic chromosphere and corona with novel instrumentation and, in-parallel, to engage the taxpaying public on our star, the Sun, its ongoing connection to our planet and day-to-day lives.

The Eclipse Science Showcase will bring local and national media members and eclipse scientists, including Dr. Cohen, together to discuss the scientific efforts taking place on August 21 and why they are important. Dr. Cohen and his team will use a network of radio beacons and receivers to "image" the upper atmosphere around the eclipse shadow.

NSF and NCAR communications contacts for this event are listed above. Georgia Tech communications contacts are:

Jason Maderer, Institute Communications, 404-385-2966,

Jackie Nemeth, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 404-894-2906,



Morris Cohen eclipse research slide