Greg Durgin joined the faculty of Georgia Tech's School of Electrical and Computer Engineering in Fall 2003. He received the BSEE (96), MSEE (98), and PhD (00) degrees from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. In 2001 he was awarded the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Post-doctoral Fellow and spent one year as a visiting researcher at Morinaga Laboratory in Osaka University. Professor Durgin authored Space-Time Wireless Channels, the first textbook in the field of space-time channel modeling. He has served as an area editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and as an associate editor for IEEE Virtual Journal on RFID and the IEEE Journal on RFID. He is a frequent consultant to industry.
Backscatter and Low-Power Radio
Propagation and Channel Modeling
Wireless Power Transfer and Harvesting
1998 Stephen O. Rice Prize Paper award for best IEEE Transactions on Communications paper
1999 Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) Conference Student Paper Award
2001-2002 Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Post-Doctoral Fellowship
2005 HKN Outstanding Junior Faculty in Electrical and Computer Engineering
2005 Women in Engineering Faculty Excellence Award
2006 National Science Foundation CAREER Award
2013 HKN Outstanding Junior Teacher Award in ECE
2015 Best Paper Award for IEEE Microwave Magazine
2016 Best Paper Award for IEEE RFID 2016
2013-present IEEE CRFID Distinguished Lecturer