Chin-Hui Lee received his undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1973, his master’s in Engineering and Applied Science from Yale University in 1977, and his doctorate in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Statistics from the University of Washington in 1981.
After graduation, Dr. Lee joined Verbex Corporation where he conducted research on connected word recognition. In 1984, he became affiliated with Digital Sound Corporation where he was engaged in research and product development in speech coding, speech synthesis, speech recognition and signal processing. From 1986 to 2001, he was with Bell Laboratories where he became a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff and Director of the Dialogue Systems Research Department.
In August 2001, he accepted a one-year appointment as a visiting professor at the National University of Singapore’s School of Computing. He joined the ECE faculty in September 2002.
Dr. Lee has published more than 250 papers and holds 25 patents. He edited the book Automatic Speech and Speaker Recognition: Advanced Topics, and has contributed chapters to ten books.
- Speech and Speaker Recognition
- Mutlimedia Signal and Information Processing
- Speech and Language Understanding
- Spoken Dialogue Processing
- Pattern Recognition
- Machine Learning
- Biometric Authentication
- Multimodal Access
- Information Retrieval and Text Categorization
- Fellow, IEEE
- IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer Award, 2000
- IEEE Signal Processing Society Senior Award, 1994
- IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award, 1997 and 1999
- Bell Laboratories President’s Gold Award, 1997
- Member, IEEE Signal Processing Society and Communication Society
- Member, International Speech Communication Association
- Lifetime Member, Computational Linguistics Society, Taiwan
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 1991-93
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 1993-95
- Chairman, IEEE SPS Speech Processing Technical Committee, 1996-98
- Member, IEEE SPS Speech Processing Technical Committee, 1994-98
- Member, APRA Spoken Language Coordination Committee, 1991-95
- Member, Permanent Council, International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2000-04
- Founding member, SPS Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee