Ashwin Pananjady Martin
Official Job Title
Assistant Professor
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Ashwin Pananjady is an Assistant Professor at Georgia Tech with a joint appointment between the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering and the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests lie broadly in statistics, optimization, and information theory, as well as their applications in data science, machine learning, and signal processing. He is particularly interested in statistical and computational problems arising from high-dimensional data with geometric structure.

Dr. Pananjady received his Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) at the University of California, Berkeley, and the B.Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. During his Ph.D., he spent a couple of summers working in industrial research labs at Amazon and Microsoft.

He is a recipient of the inaugural Lawrence D. Brown Ph.D. student award from the Institute of Mathematical Statistics; the David J. Sakrison Memorial Prize for his dissertation research (EECS, UC Berkeley); a Swiss Re Research Fellowship in Probability, Geometry and Computation in High Dimensions from the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing; an Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor award from UC Berkeley; and the Governor's Gold Medal from IIT Madras.

In his spare time, he enjoys road biking, ultimate frisbee, and traveling.

  • High-dimensional statistics
  • Statistical machine learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Information theory