Bits, Bauds, and Bandwidth (help for HW-2)
Nyquist Bandwidth Requirement (help for HW-2)
Excel Program to Experiment with Effect of Bandwidth on Signals
The textbook for EE4603 is Data
& Computer Communications (Prentice Hall) by William
Stallings. We will use the sixth Edition (contents).
Our class GTA is Mr. Nikhil Mittal <gt6671d@prism.gatech.edu>. He will be happy to discuss course topics with you. His office is in Van Leer W-315, and his office hours are T-Th 9:30 - 12:00 a.m. and Friday noon - 1:00 p.m. Send him email if you can not meet at on of these times,or call the C-449c office at 404 894-2956.
I would be happy to make an appointment to meet you in my office in the GCATT Building, or talk to you after class.
Tips on Submitting HW by Email
Bits, Bauds, and Bandwidth (help for HW-2)
Nyquist Bandwidth Requirement (help for HW-2)
Email from Class, Q&A's. Files by Date (yr-qt.)
Recommended Web Sites for Further Study
Class Links to Network Information
Past Exams: Winter'99, Spring'98,
Office Hours by Appointment. Send email to me (copeland@ece.gatech.edu) to set up an appointment. My phone numbers are 404 894-5177, fax 404 894-0035.
My office is at the south-east corner of the fifth (top) floor of the GCATT Building (map). Ride the GCATT Stinger to the GCATT Building, or walk north on Atlantic to 14th St, then east to the GCATT Building (map). Visitors are welcome in the GCATT Parking Deck (use the intercom to ask the front desk to raise the gate).
Take the elevator to the fifth floor. Turn right, then immediate left. Go to last office on the left, Room 579 (SE corner). If I'm not in, check my location with someone in 578, 586, or the GCATT Receptionist (NE corner, fifth floor).
My mail address is GCATT-0490; Georgia Tech; Atlanta, GA 30332-0490.
My email address is copeland@ece.gatech.edu